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Nunawading KinderGym is a fun movement program designed to encourage and develop skills in the following areas:

  • Gross motor movement

  • Balance and agility

  • Lateral & Cross- Lateral Movements

  • Body & Spatial Awareness

  • Concentration & concepts

  • Social skills & confidence

Nunawading KinderGym is our program for children aged 1.5 – 5 years

Classes run for 60 minutes and involve participation by a parent or caregiver. Classes include a combination of free play, guided discovery, circuits and group activities.

To ensure a wide variety of skills are covered classes have a weekly theme, which is complimented by a fortnightly movement focus. Themes are developed from children’s interests, to create more meaningful toddler classes.

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Safety landings, handstands, cartwheels, rolls, trampoline, bars, beam and vaulting skills are all included. Skills are taught in progressions, with each progression being the ‘building blocks’ to more complex movements.

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Our Aims at Nunawading KinderGym

  • To provide enjoyable, challenging, and developmentally appropriate movement experiences for toddlers and preschoolers

  • To create a safe environment where children can develop gross motor skills at their own level.

  • To ensure classes include a large variety of equipment, and class formats with specific learning objectives.

  • To ensure that staff is thoroughly trained, qualified, updated and maintain all accreditations.

  • To promote a healthy lifestyle and strive towards positively influencing each child’s outlook on physical activity for life.

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